

Dermaplaning is more than just a surface treatment - it's a path to a visibly fresher, younger-looking skin after just one session.


About the treatment

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Dermaplaning: Revealing Your Brightest Skin

Step into the world of Dermaplaning, a transformative beauty therapy designed for exceptional exfoliation and skin rejuvenation. As a modern trend in skincare, Dermaplaning effectively addresses various skin concerns, revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion.

How Dermaplaning Works Its Magic

This gentle, yet effective exfoliating procedure utilizes a dermatome, a tool akin to a handheld razor, to meticulously remove dead skin, peach fuzz, and dirt. The result? A softer, brighter, and more even skin tone. Ideal for treating everything from fine lines and wrinkles to uneven skin tones and acne scars, Dermaplaning is more than just a surface treatment; it's a path to a visibly fresher, younger-looking skin after just one session.

Advantages of Dermaplaning

  • Smoother Skin: Instantly feel the difference with a softer, smoother complexion.
  • Brighter Look: Uncover a more youthful and radiant layer of skin.
  • Reduced Appearance of Aging: Softens wrinkles and fine lines for a rejuvenated look.
  • Enhanced Product Absorption: Improves the effectiveness of skincare products and makeup application.
  • Customized Care: Tailored specifically to your skin type, whether oily, dry, sensitive, or aging.

Procedure Overview

This pain-free Dermaplaning treatment feels similar to shaving. A scalpel is expertly glided at a 45-degree angle to remove surface dead skin, unveiling a brighter and smoother layer beneath. Perfect for all skin types, except those with active acne, it’s even safe for pregnant women seeking chemical-free exfoliation.

Combining Treatments for Enhanced Results

For those looking to amplify their skincare regimen, Dermaplaning can be paired with other treatments like chemical peels, microneedling, or hydrafacials. Consultation with a skincare therapist is recommended to personalize your treatment perfectly.

Post-Treatment Care and Side Effects

Post-treatment, it's normal to experience some sensitivity, redness, or slight swelling, typically subsiding within 24-72 hours. Care recommendations include:

  • Simple Skincare: Gentle cleanser, hyaluronic acid, and lightweight moisturizer.
  • Cool Water Rinse: Use cold or cool water.
  • Sun Protection: Avoid direct sunlight for 72 hours and apply SPF 30+.
  • Heat and Water Exposure: Avoid hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, and swimming for 48-72 hours.
  • Exercise Caution: Postpone waxing, threading, facials, and laser treatments as advised.

So if you're in the vicinity of Bloor West, Toronto and looking for facial and dermaplaning near you, please contact us for a free consultation and embark on your journey to a brighter, smoother, and more youthful complexion!

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